There are many things involved in managing body corporate and strata title buildings and complexes. Keeping residents safe and happy is one thing, but keeping up with the regulations and government health guidelines governing the care and maintenance of pools is quite another. This brings with it a responsibility to not only fulfill your Duty of Care, but to comply with an ever changing set of rules and regulations.
Strata Pools are often the most contentious facilities in Strata and I think this comes down to the fact that everyone loves them but very few people really understand what it takes to keep them up and running. In smaller complexes it’s easier because the rules are a lot more relaxed but when you’re talking category 3 or 4 pools, there is actually a lot of work that goes into keeping them compliant.
Using Budget Pool Care is cost efficient and keeps your pool compliant all year-round. With a strong focus on complying with the Health guidelines, we assess, maintain, and document all work undertaken, providing written reports on each invoice.
We will ensure your pools are not only clean and healthy, but comply with legislation to fulfill your Duty of Care
Independent, expert third party support in the event of litigation
Year-round service, with variable options dependent on season and/or location
Budget Pool Care has SAVED pool users from skin irritations and other health problems. We see this as a positive outcome from innovation and pool solutions.
WE provide Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly or Monthly services depending on your pool requirements and user demand.