The Viron eQuilibrium range
The eQuilibrium chlorinator provides a range of options to minimise the change in your water balance. This means you can reduce the need for you test manually test the water. The eQuilibrium chlorinator is capable of monitoring and maintaining perfect chlorine and pH levels to keep your pool safe and looking great.
The different levels
Level One (Base Unit)
Dissolved salt is converted by the chlorinator into chlorine to sanitise your pool. The chlorine that is generated has a high pH, so the more chlorine you produce, the higher your pool's pH goes. When the pH increases, chlorine molecules become less effective at sanitising your pool. The Viron eQuilibrium Salt Chlorinator incorporates an algorithm that doses acid to counter this pH increase. Small adjustments are made by manually testing the water and adjusting the pH output
Level 2 (pH Perfection Add-On)
You can add on a pH sensor to maintain the exact pH level suitable for your pool. Different pool surfaces have different ideal pH levels. The pH sensor measures the pH every 15 minutes and the exact amount of acid is dosed into the pool using a peristaltic pump. All you need to do is make sure there is acid hooked up for the machine to draw into the pool.
Level 3 (Chlorine Control Add-On)
The level of sanitiser (ie. chlorine) in your pool is crucial. You have to have enough to kill off any pathogens, bacteria and algae. However, too much sanitiser can be harmful to your pool surface & equipment (not to mention swimmer's eyes & bikinis).
With this add-on, the chlorinator continually senses the chlorine level with a sophisticated gold sensor while the micro processor receiving this information reacts by modulating the output of the electrodes that produce the chlorine. This is the perfect way to resolve many factors that are thrown at your pool such as a sudden decline in chlorine if you decide to host this year's Australia Day party or a gradual rise in chlorine from leaving your pool cover on for too long.
Level 4 - Ai Mode
This is where the magic happens!! When you combine the pH control and the chlorine control with one of Astral's multi speed super-efficient pumps. Ai mode eliminates the traditional methos of setting a time clock and hoping the pump operates for long enough to produce enough chlorine to keep up with the chlorine demands. Ai mode automatically controls the pump flow rate, hours of operation, sanitiser production and pH balance. For example, if your whole family jumped into the pool after dinner (waiting 30 minutes for your food to go down of course) Ai mode will instantly recognise the reduction in chlorine and will turn the system on and start producing chlorine and adjusting the pH to keep your pool safe and clean.
This product can only be purchased with installation by a certified Astral Pool Installer.